Thursday, February 21, 2013

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 Porn Girls Sexy E-StoryI pulled our car through the open stern of the ferry and parked where I was directed. It wasn't crowded today. My wife Sarah and I had been visiting the island for almost a decade after discovering it our first summer together. Some years the vehicles were packed so closely together that it was hard to open the car doors enough to squeeze out and get to the stairs.Sarah carried our wool blanket, and I carried...

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Erotica E-Story the case with Mike Hutchins, Private Investigator

Erotica E-Story the case with Mike Hutchins, Private Investigator.Such was the case with Mike Hutchins, Private Investigator, who, in a relaxed mood of drunken, post-coital bliss, casually mentioned to his girlfriend/lover that one of his clients was engaged in a Lesbian affair as were her daughter and her friends. Said girlfriend, one Connie Peterson, was immediately curious and threatened him with no further sexual favors until he immediately...

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Erotica novels E-Story We slept in...we earned it.Well, that, plus the fact we knew it was only a four-hour drive, give or take a half-hour, to Vegas from Flag so, yeah, we slept in.Marni woke me with a little morning cunnilingus and, of course, I reciprocated. Once that piece of business was taken care of, we were showered, coiffed and out of the door by nine AM. Couldn't check in until three PM so, yeah, we were fine.Stopping for fuel...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

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